
Oscar Wants Young Hostess on Juicy Couture

The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences announced to invite Anne Hathaway, the 28 years old actress to be the hostess of the 83rd Oscar Awards ceremony held in February next year. Anne will become the youngest hostess of this grand ceremony after Goldie Hawn, who was 29 years old when she hosted the same ceremony in 1975. Being excited by this big news, Anne said she would put on Juicy Couture Clothes and try her best to look as elegant as other ladies.
The Oscar Awards ceremony last year hosted by Alec Baldwin and Steve Martin, the two senior actors had attracted 41 million audiences and created the highest Oscar ceremony viewing rate record since 2005. On her recent interview, Anne admitted she felt great pressure after receiving this invitation to be a hostess in such a solemn event. “But I will cheer myself up by convincing Juicy Couture Tracksuit will bring more confidence and good luck to me. I can be as elegance as those senior actress too. James Franco who will be my partner in hosting the big event is also attractive. So I believe the audience will like us too”.
Anne once performed on the opening dance of the 81st Oscar Awards ceremony. Her funny dancing and singing on Juicy Couture Earrings amused everyone. And her pleasant voice also impressed the audience. Franco is good at making jokes too. So the ceremony next year must be very funny. Both Anne and Franco have been nominated the best actress and actor of Oscar Awards. So the public is paying close attention to see whether the two can earn more good luck by hosting this grand ceremony. Hope Anne can put on the Juicy Couture Bracelets which can show her elegance to the best and take “the iron man” home with great joy.

