
Enjoying the Most Romantic Surprise on Tommy Hilfiger

Although he was sent home by Ali Fedotowsky on the show “Bachelorette”, Chris Lambton couldn’t care less for love has already given him a big surprise. Putting on his handsome Tommy Hilfiger Clothes, the sexy landscaper revealed he has been seeing a gorgeous girl who is also a contestant of another dating show “The Bachelor”.
“Love is really full of surprise. And I’m enjoying the most romantic surprise in my life by putting on Tommy Hilfiger Jeans“, the guy told “People” magazine. So it looks like Chris has no need to go to “The Bachelor” for help in finding his love, he could totally do it on his own.
Lambton left the “Bachelorette” the day before the final rose ceremony. When he was asked if he felt depressed by being refused by Fedotowsky, the guy left shocking news by announcing his anther sweet relationship with Peyton Wright. “It’s the most amazing thing I get from attending this show. I’ve indeed found the woman I really love. And the girl likes my Tommy Hilfiger Plo Shirt. So I have no regrets about doing this show”.
The pair began their romance in the fall when both of them came to ABC for their shows. “She tells me she thinks I look so cool the first time she met me when I was putting on my Tommy Hilfiger Shirt. Then we get familiar with each other”, Lambton also mentioned he remembered he asked the lady to be his girlfriend on October 3rd.
As for the girl Peyton Wright, the gorgeous lady also claimed it was so wonderful to meet the right guy like this: “I like surprise like this in love. It’s so romantic. I think he is a perfect man on his Tommy Hilfiger Flip Flops. Everything is so happy to be with him”.

